The Way: A Journey of Healing & Self Acceptance

The Way:  A Journey of Healing & Self Acceptance

About the course:
The latest in the Archetypes & A Movie series examines the tradition of pilgrimage not just as an outer  journey but an illumination of the inner spiritual journey as seen in the 2010 film The Way, starring Martin Sheen.  Just as the Hero’s Journey is about discovering who you are, the Pilgrimage is about re-membering who you are and accepting both the grief and joys of your life so far.

This self guided workshop is 3 hours of original audio course in three parts, plus a 35 page Guide to Pilgrimage and a 23 page illustrated workbook with supplementary information.

Join teacher and spiritual director, Jim Curtan as he guides us along the route of the pilgrimage, pausing along the way, as pilgrims do, at various stages of the journey to reflect on the insight, inspiration and intuitive guidance we receive.

TheWay_iphone_promoThe Way: A Journey of Healing & Self-Acceptance

$39.89  Buy Now

What you will receive:

  • Audio Part 1 is an introduction to the archetype of Pilgrimage and the film that was recorded live in 2014.
  • Audio Part 2 is the chapter by chapter commentary on the archetypes and spiritual insights seen in the film, The Way that you can use as a guided contemplation while watching the film in the comfort of your own home.
  • Audio Part 3 is a live recording of Jim’s follow up lecture with class Q&A from a day long workshop held in Pasadena, California.
  • An Illustrated Workbook with instructions, supplementary information and exercises.
  • A Guide to Pilgrimage provides 30 days of reflections for your personal journey and ways to integrate the wisdom and healing over time.
  • Access to online discussions and Q&A with Jim about the material

The course is available for download immediately after purchase. If you prefer to receive the course on a USB thumb drive mailed to you instead of a digital download, email my producer directly or use the form below:  A small fee of $6 is requested to cover the cost of the USB drive and shipping within the US.

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Listen to Part 1 of the course for free:

Download Part 1: The Way: Part 1 (Promo)  (right click, Save As)

In this course you will delve deeply into the following areas:

  • Identifying archetypes as a path of integrating Mind, Heart and Body with the Self.
  • Relating the powerful story of integration as seen in The Wizard of Oz, The Way, Sex & the City, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Little Women and more.
  • Healing and acceptance of ourselves and our relationships.
  • Rediscovering who you are and the richness of self acceptance.
  • Remembrance and resurrection.
  • The power of relationships as mirrors of ourselves.
  • The grace of gratitude for all of our experiences, both the griefs and the joys.

Purchase your copy to go with the upcoming Archetypes & A Movie Course

About the film:
The Way follows four pilgrims as they travel the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. It features actor Martin Sheen and is directed by his son Emilio Estevez. The film is powerful, inspirational, capturing the outer journey while illuminating the inner one.  You can purchase The Way on DVD for under $5.00 from Amazon and it’s available to stream online for free for Amazon Prime members.

Start your Pilgrimage!

Blue sky with cloud vintage and natural background

Questions about the course? Let us know.

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Family & Friend Memorials for Jim Curtan

We, Jim’s Spiritual family & friends are working on an online celebration of Jim’s life this summer. Please sign up for the email list below to get notified directly. If you received this blog post by email directly then you are all set to receive future notifications.

Family Organized Memorial May 19th 2021

In the mean time, Jim’s family have planned memorial services for him this coming week on Wednesday the 19th of May. The rosary and mass will be available to livestream if you are not in the Denver, CO area.

All of the information and their obituary of him can be found at this link.

To view a livestream of the Rosary and Funeral Mass, please use the following link:

Remembering Jim

Jim with his dear friend Peter goofing around

If you would like to share a memory of Jim – photos, writing, poem, memories etc. – I will create it as a blog post here on his website for all to appreciate over the coming years. These blog posts will also be shared to his Facebook Page for Jim Curtan Spiritual Director. If you would like to submit something, please email me directly ( ) or send through the contact form.

Here is a blog post that one of Jim’s directee’s created on her own website.

Birthday 5/29/21

Jim’s 80th birthday would have been this Saturday May 29th. You are invited to pick a classic movie to watch and enjoy as an act of appreciating Jim and connecting to one of his great loves, movies!

With much aloha to you all – stay tuned for more information. -Julienne (Jim’s friend & media maven)

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