Beloved Jim

Our dear friend, Jim, left the earth on April 22nd 2021

He leaves behind many family members and countless friends who loved and treasured his wit and wisdom. He also leaves a legacy of love and generosity, healing and hope, clarity and surrender—all the markers of a mature spiritual traveler. Jim was Sage, Teacher, Scholar, Warrior, Guide, Trickster, Storyteller, Shapeshifter, Magical Child.

He broke new ground at Caroline Myss’s CMED classes by offering his rich perspectives and experiences from working with archetypes with actors like John Travolta, Willem Defoe, John Malkovich and Geena Davis. (In those days he explained them as “essences”, the fundamental uniqueness or charisma that each actor brought to each role.)

Evenings at CMED were Movie Night where Jim schooled us in what he might have called the spiritually subversive role of films in our lives. He gave us the chance to see movies as deep—often holy—stories filled with lessons and universal wisdom about our own spiritual challenges. He had a gift for seeing the mystical subtext in films, and a feel for the pulse of the changes thundering through our culture and film gave him the roadmap for understanding it himself and being able to explain it to others. A man of deep faith and devotion to God, he spread his gift of joyful perspective far and wide. If you knew him, your life was richer for it.

Farewell for now, dear friend, and many thanks for the richness your lifetime left behind for us.

with love ,

Jim’s friends Ellen and Julienne

PS: Please check back here for opportunities to celebrate Jim’s life and legacy.

Photos of Jim and his family collected from his blog posts

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