Archetypes and a Movie Poll

Many of you have already enjoyed the first edition of my ‘Archetypes and a Movie’ series: Ratatouille:  Fate, Destiny & the Hero’s Journey.  We are in the process of planning the next workshop and would love your feedback on what you would most like to see and learn from.

The theme of “pilgrimage” has been coming up quite a bit lately and pilgrimages can take many forms.  While you don’t literally need to travel to go on a pilgrimage, it’s always a journey to the Sacred.  The word pilgrim (from the Latin peregrinus) means a traveler, literally one who has come from afar.

Each of these films are an exploration of the archetype of the pilgrimage. We’d like to know which one you would most like to experience as an audio workshop.

Please take a few seconds to complete the 3 poll questions below.

Many thanks,
Jim and Julienne

Film Choices for a course on Pilgrimage

The Way (2010) TheWay_2staring Martin Sheendarjeeling_limited

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) staring Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith & Tom Wilkinson

The Darjeeling Limited (2007) staring Adrien Brody, Owen Wilson & Jason Schwartzman

Philomena_posterPhilomena (2013)BEst staring Judi Dench & Steve Coogan


You can also use the comments below to suggest a film not on this list and tell us why you’d like to learn from it.

2 thoughts on “Archetypes and a Movie Poll

  1. It’s hard to choose from that list, but I would have to say “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”.

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Pingback: The Next Archetypes and a Movie Course | Jim Curtan

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